
Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Collagen and Extraskeletal Disorder

Osteogenisis imperfecta (OI) is â€Å"a rare genetic disorder of collagen synthesis associated with broad spectrum of musculoskeletal problems, most notably bowing and fractures of the extremities, muscle weakness, ligamentous laxity, and spinal deformities. † (Binder, 386). Other collagen-containing extraskeletal tissues, such as the sclerae, the teeth, and the heart valves are also affected to a variable degree. OI has a â€Å"common feature of bony fragility associated with defective formation of collagen by osteoblasts and fibroblasts. (Smith, 1983, 13) This disease, involving defective development of the connective tissues, is usually the result f the autosomal dominant gene, but can also be the result of the autosomal recessive gene. Spontaneous mutations are common and the clinical presentation of the disease remains OI is most commonly referred to as â€Å"brittle bones†, but other names include: fragilitas ossium, hypolasia of the mesenchyme, and osteopsathyrosis. Osteogenisis imperfecta is still not completely understood, and while there have been advances in diagnosing the disease, Osteogenisis imperfecta is the result of mutations In the mild dominantly inherited form of OI (type I), † a non-functional allele for the alpha 1 (I) chain halves ollagen synthesis,† (Smith, 1995, 169) and is largely responsible for the inheritance. Single base mutations in the codon for glycine causes lethal (type II) OI by wrecking the formation of the collagen triple helix. Types III and IV are the â€Å"less dram- atic outcomes of similar glycine mutations in either the alpha 1 (I) or the alpha 2(I) The clinical signs can be caused from defective osteoblastic activity and defective mesenchymal collagen (embryonic connective tissue) and its derivatives, such as sclera, bones, and ligaments. The reticulum fails to differentiate into mature collagen or the collagen develops bnormally. This causes immature and coarse bone formation The signs and symptoms of OI vary greatly depending on the type. The most commonly used classification is the Type I is the mildest form of OI and is inherited as an autosomal dominant trait. The sclerae(middle coat of eyeball) is distinctly blue. Type I is broken down into IA and IB — the difference being whether dentinogenesis is present. IA has a life expectancy nearly the same as the general public. The physical activity is limited, and may appear to have no disability at all. The bones have a mottled or wormian appearance, forming small islands. Type II is lethal in utero or shortly there afterbirth. The survivors live from just a few hours to several months. The kayotypes of parents are usually normal. This type is broken down into three subgroups: IIA is characterized by a broad, crumpled femora and continuos rib beading, IIB by minimal to no rib fractures, and IIC by a thin femora and ribs with extensive fracturing. While in the uterus, there is poor fetal movement, low fetal weight, poor ossification of the fetal skeleton, hypoplastic lungs, the long bones of the upper and lower limbs are shortened or deformed, and the head is soft. Intrauterine fractures ccur, and parinatal death is usually from intracranial hemorrhage due to vessel fragility or respiratory distress from pulmonary hypoplasia. The bones and other tissues are extremely fragile, and massive injuries occur in utero or delivery. The ribs appear beaded or broken and the long Type III and IV are intermediate in severity between types I and II. Type III differs from I in its greater severity, and from IV in that it increases in severity with age. It can be inherited as either a autosomal recessive or dominant trait. The sclerae is only slightly bluish in infancy and white in adulthood, although the average life xpectancy is 25 years. Type IV is always dominant. With types III and IV multiple fractures from minor physical stress occurs leading to progressive and severe deformities. Kyphoscoliosis may cause respiratory impairment and predisposition to pulmonary infections. â€Å"Popcorn-like† deposits of mineral appear on the ends of long bones. The symptoms of OI tarde (types I, III and IV) can appear when the child begins to walk, and lessens with age. The tendency to fracture decreases and often disappears after puberty. Later in life, particularly during pregnancy and after menopause, more fractures occur. The bones are usually slender with short, thin cortices and trabeculae (fibers of framework), but can also be unusually thin. (Smith, 1983, 136) Narrow diaphysis of the long bones contributes to the fractures and bowing deformities. Scoliosis is common. The haversian cells are poorly developed. The bones lack minerals needed to form bone matrix. Epiphyseal fractures (end of the bone) results in deformities and stunted growth (dwarfism). Osteopenia, the decrease in bone mass, is symptomatic. Other signs of OI include hyperextensibility of the joints — double-jointedness– and abnormally thin, translucent skin. Discolored (blue-gray or yellow-brown) and malformed teeth which break easily and are cavity prone are found in patients Patients with OI have a triangular-shaped head and face, a bilaterally bulging skull, and prominent eyes with a wide distance between the temporal region. Hearing loss by the age of 30-40 is the result of the pressure on the auditory nerve because of the deformity of its canal in the skull, and the development of otosclerosis. Recurrent epistaxis (nosebleeds), bruising and edema (especially at the sight of fractures), difficulty tolerating high temperatures and mild hyperpyrexia are other symptoms. Thoracic deformities may impair chest expansion and the ability to effectively breath deeply and cough. (Loeb, 755) Patients are also more susceptible to infection. In assessing a patient data is needed about the genetic history and birth of the child, as well as a complete development assessment from birth. Vital signs are taken, and periods of increased heart and respiratory rate and elevated body temperature are note- worthy. Skin should be examined for color, elasticity, translucency, and signs of edema and bruising. A description of position and appearance of a child†s trunk and extremities and facial characteristics should be noted. The height of the child in terms of expected growth, signs of scoliosis or laxity of ligaments, and range of motion of the joints are all important. Sight and hearing should be tested since there are sensory problems associated with OI. The appearance of the sclerae and tympanic membranes and defects of primary teeth and gums are important. (Jackson, X-rays usually reveal a decrease in bone density. There is no consensus, however, as to whether the diagnosis can be made by microscopy of bone specimens. † (Isselbacher, 2112) DNA sequencing and incubating skin fiboblasts are two ways help diagnose OI. Prenatal ultrasonography is used to detect severely affected fetuses at about 16 weeks of pregnancy. Diagnosis of the lethal type II by ultrasound during the second trimester of pregnancy is by the identification of fractures of the long bones. Compression of the fetal head is seen by ultrasound probe, and low echogeneity of the cranium can be signs of skeletal dysplasia (faulty development of the tissues). Diagnosis is confirmed by postmortem examination including radiography and biochemical studies of cultivated fibroblasts from the fetus. (Berge, 321) Diagnosis by analyzing DNA sequencing can be carried out in chronic villa There is no known treatment of OI at this time. Treatment therefore is predominantly supportive and educational. Because of multiple fractures and bruising, it is important to diagnose this disease in order to prevent Treatment of fractures is often challenging because of abnormal bone structure and laxity of the ligaments. Splinting devices are used to stabilize the bones and to protect against additional fractures. Treatment aims to prevent deformities through use of traction and/or immobilization in order to aid in normal development and rehabilitation. Limb deformities and repeated fractures can e corrected by intramedullary rods — telescoping rods that elongate with growth. After surgical placement of the rods, extensive post- operative care is required because greater amounts of blood and fluid are lost. (Loeb, 755) It should be noted that the healing of fractures appear to be normal. (Isselbacher, 2112) Braces, immobilizing devices and Physical therapy is important in the treatment of OI. Bone fracture density in unfractured bone is decreased when compared with age-matched controls due to limited exercise, so it is essential to stay as active as possible. Physical therapy is also used for strengthening muscle and reventing disuse fractures with exercises with light Regular dental visits are necessary to monitor the ogists for vision and audiologits for hearing is also essential. Radiologists need to examine the structure and density of the bones, and an orthopedist is needed to set fractures and take care of other bone related problems. Counseling and emotional support is needed for both the patient and the family. It is important not to limit a child because of his/her disabilities, and to realize that many victims of this disease live successful lives. Debrah Morris, a successful business woman, and active fighter for isability rights and helping other patients of OI, says, â€Å"If I had the choice to be anyone in the world, I would be exactly who I am. The people I have met, the challenges I have faced, the opportunities that I have been presented — all are directly related to dealing with being a little person with brittle bones. (Kasper, 53) Many of the symptoms of OI can be confused with those of a battered child. X-rays are used to show evidence of old fractures and bone deformities to distinguish the difference. The Osteogenesis Imperfecta Foundation (OIF) has is a national support group that offers assistance to families in this osition and to increase public awareness. The OIF has a medical advisory council, chapters, support groups, regional meetings, biennial national conferences, and parent contacts to help families feeling alone and helpless. They also publish a newsletter, provide literature and videos about OI, and sponsors a fund to support research. Magnesium oxide can be administered to decrease the fracture rate, as well as hyperpyrexia and constipation associated with this condition. (Anderson, 1127) A high-protein, high-carbohydrate, high-vitamin diet is needed to promote healing. A growth hormone has also been dministered during childhood, and is shown to substantially increase growth. Treatment with bisphosphorates and related agents has been discussed to decrease bone loss, but no controlled studies have been done. Isselbacher, 2113) Since there is no cure for oseogenesis imperfecta, appropriate and properly timed rehabilitation intervention is of the utmost importance to ensure that the child is able to function to the best of his/her ability in society. A ten year study that was submitted in 1992 proves this. 25 of 115 children with severe OI were observed since birth or infancy at the National Institutes of Health, MD and the Skeletal Dysplasia Clinic at the Children†s National Medical Center in D. C. One was Type I, two Type II, nine Type III, and thirteen Type IV. They were classified by physical characteristics and functional Group A consisted of those who were severely dwarfed with large heads and marked bowing , contractures, and weakness of extremities. The highest functional skill expected was independent sitting. Group B was growth deficient, but with a normal sized head. Femoral bowing, scoliosis, and contractures of the hip flexors were characteristics. they were expected to stand and/or ambulate with braces. Group C were less growth deficient, and had good strength, but poor endurance. They had marked joint laxity and poorly aligned lower extremity joints, but Group A patients were the most severely involved. Most were basically sitters. The majority were totally dependent in their self care. Group B had the potential to become at least short-distance ambulators. These patients had acquired the ability to move to sitting, but had transitional moving problems, such as sitting to standing. ially independent in their self care. Group C had antigravity strength and 50% had good strength in their extremities. All were physically active and age-appropriately independent, but none were good long-distance walkers. Binder, 387-388) Progressive rehabilitation of these groups all included posture exercises and active range of motion and strengthing exercises. Group B had additional ROM and posture exercises, as well as Developmental exercises. Group C added coordination activities. Conclusion, â€Å"Management of patients with OI should address the child†s functional needs. Even though the degree of disability may be severe, management should not be limited to orthopedic procedures and bracing. Treatment lanning should be considered, but not totally based on genetic, anatomical, and biochemical abnormalities. Our ence suggests that clinical grouping based in part on functional potential can be useful in the appropriate management of children with OI. â€Å"(Binder, 390) Independence was stressed in this study, and even patients with limited sitting ability, upper extremity function can be improved to at least minimal independence in self-help skills. Potential ambulators should be helped because, although their ability might not progress past indoor ambulation, walking will make them more independent and may result in ncreased bone mineralization. Poor joint alignment, poor balance, and low endurance can all be improved with persistent, individualized physical and occupational therapy. For best results, therapy should be started as soon after birth as possible. Mainstreaming school aged children is also important. All of this together leads to â€Å"age-appropriate social development and markedly improved independence and quality of life in the majority of Osteogenesis imperfecta is the most common genetic disorder of the bone. It occurs in about 1 in 20,000 live births, and is equally prevalent in all races and both sexes. The Type I OI has a population frequency of about 1 in 30,000. Type II has a birth incidence of about 1 in 60,000. Types III and IV are less common and may be as high as 1 in 20,000. (Isselbacher, 2111) The occurrence of OI in families with no history or blue sclerae is about 1 in 3,000,000 births. (Smith, 1995, 171) The recurrence risks in families is estimated to be 6 to 10%, but is only estimated because most couples choose not to have any more children. 15 to 20% of patients with OI do not carry the gene for abnormal collagen, making many wonder if there is yet another genetic problem undiagnosed at this time.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Introduction to Robotics and Industrial Automation

Adama University of Science and EngineeringSchool of Engineering and Information TechnologyDepartment of Electrical Engineering| Course Number | ECEG-5506| Course Title| Introduction to Robotics and Industrial Automation| Lecturer| N. N. | Credits| 3| Course Objectives & Competences to be Acquired| * Understand the elements of an industrial robot, mechanisms, sensors, actuators and end effectors. Program robotic manipulators * Acquaintance with artificial intelligence applications in robotics * Introduce industrial control circuits and applications of PLCs in modern industrial control| Course Description/Course Contents| * Robotic FundamentalsIntroduction, Robot kinematics; rigid body motion; transformation of coordinates * Mechanisms and Actuators * Sensors and DetectorsPosition, Velocity, Acceleration, Force torque; Touch and Tactile Sensors; Proximity and Range Detectors, Machine Vision * Modeling and Control of ManipulatorsNewton’s equations; Euler Lagrange method; motion control; manipulator control; trajectory generation; computer control * Robot Applications and ProgrammingPick and place; spot and arc welding; surface coating; assembly * Introduction to Computer Control Role of computers in the control of Industrial processes (plants). Elements of Computer Controlled Process / Plant. Classification – Batch, Continuous, Supervisory and Direct Digital Controls.Architecture – Centralized, Distributed and Hierarchical Systems. Man Machine or Human Computer Interface (HCI). * Basic Ladder Logic and ControlProgrammable Logic Controllers and Applications | Lab Exercises:| Motion control; manipulator control; machine learning using MATLAB and relevant tools; PLC Programming| Pre-requisites| ECEG-3206: Introduction to Control Engineering| Teaching & Learning Methods| Lecture supported by tutorial, assignment and laboratory exercises. | Assessment/Evaluation & Grading System| Assignment (20%), Mid-semester Examination (30%), Final examination (50%)| Attendance Requirements| 75% lecture attendance and 100% lab attendance| Literature| Textbook: Von Mark W.Spong , Seth Hutchinson , Mathukumalli Vidyasagar: Robot Modeling and Control, Wiley & Sons; Auflage: 1st edition Nov 30, 2005). John J. Craig: Introduction to Robotics, Mechanics and Control, Prentice-Hall; Auflage: 3rd edition July 27,2004. References: 1. P. J. McKerrow, Introduction to Robotics, Addison-Wesley, 1991. 2. Sciavicco, L. , and Siciliano, B. : Advanced Textbooks in Control and Signal Processing Series, Springer-Verlag, London, UK, 2000. 3. Canudas de Wit, Siciliano and Bastin: Modeling and Control of Robot Manipulators, 2nd Ed. , Springer-Verlag London Limited, 1996. 4. Asada, H. and Slotine, J. -J. E. , J: Theory of Robot Control, Wiley and Sons, 1986 5. Murray, R. , Li, Z. and Sastry, S. : Robot Analysis and Control CRC Press, 1994. |

Monday, July 29, 2019

Anthropological Theory Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Anthropological Theory - Assignment Example The author goes into detail and examines extending of the interconnection and the relationships of such names and tries to place them into their reality. In his idea of interconnections, Eric Wolf states that the reification has led to the misconception of the fact about nations. He cites that nations have been taken as entities that existed independently of one another. However, in his idea of connections, Eric Wolf clearly outlines the relationship between nations dating back a long time ago. Eric Wolf cites the dangers of reification as being that of giving falsehood on the reality of humanity. He cites that there is a neglect of interrelationships between human beings. He gives examples of the spread of diseases from past to present, similarly, he cites the diffusion of people through slavery and servitude to justify his idea of connections. One other danger, Eric Wolf cites in his idea of connections is that reification has led to the misconception and division of disciplines. He gave examples to show how scholars of Sociology and political science split political economy. He cites these examples as misleading misconceptions from scholars. Eric Wolf critically examines social sciences split from political economy. He argues that political economy made sense since it justified the idea of interconnection. He points out that the treatment of independent states, for instance, the United States and Greece as static and in rival by stable internal interactions and control from outside has prevented us from understanding their relationships and confrontations, a fact inconsistent with his idea of interconnections. He further points out that the difficulty is further compounded with the imaginary arrangement and division of nations into blocks as well as civilization based categorizations. Such names like, the East and West, the civilized and developed west and the

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Europe's surge of nineteenth-centry imperialism Essay

Europe's surge of nineteenth-centry imperialism - Essay Example One such conflict was between China and Britain which according to Marchant (42), was known as the Anglo-Chinese opium wars. In this paper, I am going to show that I agree with Marchant’s implications in her article that the new imperialism in Europe was driven by values central to the rise of progressive trends such as the Enlightenment. In their trade dealings with China, the British believed that free trade was a way of creating wealth for all nations. This would, in turn, lead to a new world order that maintained peace at all levels. The Chinese, on the other hand, believed that there was no way in which trade could create peace for mankind because they had seen how the Ming dynasty collapsed due to doctrinarism (Marchant 42). The attitudes of the British were based on Enlightenment because they believed that both secular agendas and spiritual changes could improve the human society. They saw ways in which backward nations could gain access to progress even if war was involved. They tried to apply this on China but since China had different views, a war erupted. This was an ideological war that stemmed from differences in the belief of the two nations in free trade. Britain’s involvement in new imperialism as shown in the way it dealt with China was based on four outlooks. These outlooks were the result of Enlightenment ideas that had progressed over the past century. The first outlook was that God only helped those people who could do something to improve their situation. The second one was that both religious changes and secular agendas established in commerce, science, education, and legislation were a way improving the social status of the human race (Marchant 42). The third outlook was that it was the responsibility of those nations that had already experienced enlightenment to share their ideas with backward nations such as China to help them

Managing Human Resources in Health and Social Care Essay - 1

Managing Human Resources in Health and Social Care - Essay Example This essay stresses  healthcare assistants are the professionals responsible for healthcare related activities and treat the patients in order to provide them with better healthcare solution enhance their health condition. The health care assistants need to follow the guideline of the healthcare organisations with respect to performing their role in the organisation.According to the paper findings  being as a HR manager, monitor the needs of the healthcare organisation and selecting a candidate who can understand the aim and objectives of the organisation is highly important.   In this regard, for a healthcare assistance, it is very important to conduct their job role based on rules and regulation of the healthcare organisation is highly important to enhance the overall performance of the organisation. Thus, a candidate who is flexible enough to perform his/her duty as well as tasks could be selected for this desire post.  Educational background of the candidate, which plays a very crucial role for recruiting, will also be key factor in selection of healthcare assistance in the organisation. By evaluating educational success of the candidates, the potentiality of the candidates and choose the best candidate who best suit for the post could be evaluated. Recruiting candidates based on their degree will enhance the overall performance and reputation of the healthcare organisation.  Particular educational qualification will assist in understanding the ability and capacity of the candidates to perform the job role.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Understanding and Coping with Change Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Understanding and Coping with Change - Essay Example Change can be planned where the activities involved are intentional and goal oriented and it can also be observed that change is mainly influenced by both internal and external factors. However, change in an organization is often met by resistance as a result of various reasons. Individual resistance to change is caused by a variety of factors such as fear of the unknown, security issues, lack of trust among the management as well habit among the employees (Baack, 2012). If carefully managed, resistance to change can be a source of functional conflict in the organization. Through resistance to change, the employees raise meaningful debate where their ideas can be taken into consideration in the decision making process in the organization. Resistance to change only becomes dysfunctional when it becomes counterproductive in the organization. In my career, I have often witnessed people resisting change mainly as a result of low tolerance to change coupled with personal interest. For instance, I used to work in a fashion and clothing shop as a till operator. We used to start work at 8:00 AM and finish at 5PM. After realising that the company was recording a significant increase in the number of sales towards closing time, the management decided to extend the closing time from 5 PM to 6PM. This was not just an ad hoc arrangement since proper measures were taken in order to establish the impact of such proposed change to the operations of the whole organization. Indeed, there were benefits likely to be derived from implementing this kind of change in the operations of the organization. For instance, the change initiative was likely to result in an increase in the number of sales. This meant that the revenue collected through the operations of the organization would be improved. Through intolerance of change, it was realised that some sections of the organization were against this proposed change. Some people argued that this change will negatively impact on

Friday, July 26, 2019

LOVE Response papers week 7-- research Assignment

LOVE Response papers week 7-- research - Assignment Example Single-subject research design focuses on the behaviour of an individual subject tested over treatment variables. By focusing on the behaviour of the individual subjects better identification of potential sources of error and to control errors is an advantage (Francis, 2011, p. 387). It is a design that can be applied when the sample size is one or when a number of individuals are considered as one group (Wasson, 2003). Therefore causal relationship between variables is established even using one or little group and it provides a good demonstration that a variable has an effect on behaviour being observed (Francis, 2011, p. 387). On the contrary, generality is questionable when using a single subject design since experimental situation is tightly controlled to reduce error variance. Plus the fact that some variables cannot be easily controlled especially variables that are innate in person, such as personality and intelligence that cannot be easily controlled and may affect the result of the study remarkably (Francis, 2011, p. 388). With the proper knowledge on the use of a single-subject design, a sample research question can be formulated as â€Å"Effect of positive reinforcement in work performance.† By using the ABAB design, control condition is followed by an experimental condition, which is followed by an additional control condition and experimental condition (Wasson, 2003). In the sample research question, baseline work performance phase is the pre-experimental phase which will be recorded and will be taken as the control condition followed by the implementation of the positive reinforcement as the experimental condition then by another control condition and another experimental condition which is the reinforcement phase. In which all behaviour in all situations, controlled and experimental, will be observed and recorded for analysis. The formulated single subject-research has the definite possibility of attaining a good

Thursday, July 25, 2019

EO Wilson The process of evolution Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

EO Wilson The process of evolution - Essay Example The fall of one set of species, such as dinosaurs later gives a rise to another set of species (Archibald 46). Yes, Wilson’s statement on loss of genetic and species diversity is true. As Wilson states, the actions brought about by human beings throughout the history seem to always result to the extinction of certain species. The whole process of life or existence is necessary for preservation of species (Wilson 121). It is also evident that the diversity of genetics and species is a biological necessity (Roberts 31). Species and genetic diversity is extremely important for the survival of all species. For example, if human beings lost their genetic diversity, such as the loss of the Y chromosome, only women would exist in the world. Of course, without a diverse population of men and women, having a future population would be uncertain. It is also apparent today, that genetic diversity in different people has enabled the human race to ward off certain diseases, particularly viruses. As Robert indicates in page 31 her book, a non-fatal change to a human reproductive cell is likely to r esult to the change being passed to other generations. Therefore, the loss of such diversity means that no one would be immune to any virus because a generation in the past is not able to pass the immunity to future

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Economy and History Questions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Economy and History Questions - Essay Example As a president, this is certainly something that would require intense wisdom and counseling, knowing the gravity of its impact on humanity in general. I would most probably hold back several times and acknowledge other moral measures instead to negotiate with the enemy more rationally as I ponder on the long-term effects bombing would incur upon my countrymen who run the risk of suffering the vengeance of my enemies. If the latter decide to form allies with other nations in great power that might act and respond with conspiracy to paralyze my economy and cause anxiety at threatening my people is another aspect I suppose I need to take into significant consideration. Economy Considering all the options John Powell had in mind and the attitude of looking forward to his retirement and being consistent with his basic objective which is merely to meet the financial concerns of his family with adequacy, it would be wise to reevaluate the options and priorities with fresh insights from his children. Since Powell’s sons have had experience in PLI operations for more than two decades, they might have gained ample confidence and knowledge to determine factors that affect the growth of the company as well as how to manipulate variables in direct association to economic trend to the optimum in seeking direction that leads to remedies and recovery to generating improved revenues for the company.

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Marketing company research Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words

Marketing company research - Term Paper Example The sector has been growing at a rapid pace since the last few years, but 2012 was a breakthrough year, as during this period, the industry generated the highest ever revenue. However, the most alarming fact about the consumer electronics market of UAE is that, it is mainly driven by the tourist segment. Hence, the dependency on the tourist segment is extremely high. The local consumers on the other hand are more cautious when it comes to the purchase of electronics product or any other luxury goods. This study will investigate about the possibilities of Sony to gain success in the UAE market. The company is currently dealing with several external business challenges and to curb those issues, they are recommended to launch a new product i.e. a Hi-Fi system with affordable price. The financial crisis of UAE and weaknesses in Dubai is also a cause of concern for the industry. The financial crisis has compelled local consumers to spend in a vigilant way. Despite the stern situation, UAE still remains an attractive market for the companies belonging to the consumer electronics segment. ... (Hsu 223) However, due to stable political scenario there is hardly any external disturbance for the companies operating in this industry. Another beneficial factor is that the people of UK are music-lover and 84% are urbanized population. Around 13.8 % and 61.5 % people belong to the age group of 15-24 years and 25-54 years, who are the potential customers of this industry. With a developed logistics infrastructure (42 airports, 4,080 km Roadways and 61 merchant marines) (â€Å"Middle East: United Arab Emirates†) the distribution of the products will not be a cause of concern. Hence, the country will offer favorable business condition for the new product of Sony. Industry Analysis The high scale of sophistication among the consumers of UAE fuels the demand of new and innovative electronics item. The demand of cutting-edge editions of the electronic products has more demand in UAE and Middle East than anywhere else in the world. However, one of the major constraints of the ind ustry growth is high price, at least for a certain segment of customers. Hence, launching new and innovative products at an affordable price range can be extremely beneficial for the companies. Since, the recent past another trend being identified in the consumer electronic industry is the shifting distribution pattern. Most of the retailers are trying to establish online shopping platforms for the purpose of reducing their cost of operation and distribution. The UAE consumers are demanding products that which has better connectivity, high-end features, and better performance, quality, speed and convenience. The market size of consumer electronics industry of UK is

Monday, July 22, 2019

Carl Robins Case Study Essay Example for Free

Carl Robins Case Study Essay The position of campus recruiter for a company is one of importance. The recruiter is the person who makes sure the company has access to the best candidates available. The first order of business for any recruiter is to set up job fairs, develop a list of possible candidates, and conduct on-campus interviews of those applicants. There are many skills needed by a campus recruiter, and for someone that is new to the position, training and guidance are keys to successfully learning the necessary skills that will help prevent or solve issues in a satisfactory manner. In April, ABC, Inc. decided they were in need of new employees, ones that could be ready to work by July. Carl Robins, the new campus recruiter for the company, is in charge of finding the necessary people. He successfully hired 15 new people to work for the Operations Supervisor, Monica Carrolls. Carl had six to eight weeks to coordinate the necessary activities, so that the new hires could begin working by July. Despite prompting from Monica, Carl did not realize the amount of effort required to set up the large training session required for the quantity of people he had coming for orientation. If Carl had thought to use a timeline for specific tasks, or even written a list of all requirements waiting for completion, he could have avoided the frustration and confusion he encountered. Carl Robins has been at his job for only six months and is excited by the success of his first recruitment effort. Unfortunately, Carl had no guidance to know exactly what tasks needed prompt completion to ensure that the new employees would be ready to start work on time. Monica Carrolls contacted Carl on May 15, and tried to guide him in the right direction by asking if he had all the necessary tasks organized – completed paperwork and drug tests, orientation manuals, policy booklets, and training space reserved. Carl assured her that things were running smoothly and would be ready on time, and that she would have all of her new employees when needed. It is hard to tell, based on the information  given, if Carl was over-confident or just did not realize the urgency required to get things completed on a timely schedule. Because of procrastination and his lack of skill, Carl has found several problems that managed to sneak up on him. There are several key issues facing Carl that need some serious attention. Due to the lack of proper time management, Carl has lost at least a month worth of time in which to get things organized. When Carl started to finalize all the necessary paperwork, he discovered several disturbing problems. One main responsibility for any campus recruiter is to â€Å"ensure that all required paperwork is completed appropriately during the interview process: applications for employment, indexes, and appropriate authorizations† (C.E., 2010). As he started to look through all the applicants’ paperwork, Carl discovered that many applications were incomplete, others were missing transcripts, and none of the new hires had completed drug testing. When he went to look at the necessary orientation manuals, he could not find one complete book, only three books with various pages missing. He then discovered that the training room was already booked for the entire month of June, so that Joe could conduct the computer training seminars. The first task that Carl needs to complete is all the incomplete applications and missing transcripts. He needs to contact the applicants to get the necessary missing information, and contact the college campus to get a rush on all the missing transcripts. The second task needing completion is the mandatory drug testing for all 15 people. Carl should know the company policy concerning the drug testing and should be aware of where the employees need to go to get the testing done. Carl was responsible for letting the applicants know â€Å"the circumstances under which testing will be required†¦ as part of a pre-employment screening, a random screening, as part of an incident investigation and reasonable suspicion† (Brown, 2010, pg. 2). As part of his job requirements, Carl needs to get all 15 people scheduled for testing immediately, so there will be no issues, legal or otherwise, by the time orientation starts. The third and fourth issues go hand-in-hand. Carl has to find a complete manual that he can get copies printed from, and find an available meeting room in which to conduct the orientation, since he did not reserve the training room early enough. For the manuals, he has two options to pursue. The first would be to contact the human resources department to see if there is a digital copy  available to take to a print shop, which would be the most cost-effective method. Otherwise, he will have to try to piece together one complete manual from the three incomplete ones he found. This option is more time consuming, for him and the print shop, because they have to deal with individual pages. Without knowing the exact process used at a print shop, the reader has to make assumptions that printing from a digital copy is easier than scanning individual pages into a computer before printing. As for the meeting room, even though Joe beat him to the ‘official’ training room, many companies have conference rooms large enough to hold a sizeable group of people. If ABC, Inc. does not have a conference room large enough, the only other option is to look at renting an outside meeting room. Many restaurants and hotels have rooms available for fairly decent prices, and even some local banks tend to have meeting rooms available, free for use by just about anybody. By having the issues sufficiently identified, along with some options to correct them, the first recommendation is for Carl to receive complete training for the job he needs to do. If he had been aware from the start of the amount of effort required in hiring a large group of people, and the activities required to get everything set up for orientation, Carl would have realized that he needed to be more aggressive in his efforts. Proper training would have shown him that applications had to be complete before the campus interview, and â€Å"following the campus interview, transcripts should be requested for all [new hires]†¦ preferably before the recruiters leave campus† (Indiana, 2011, pg. 1). Carl could have avoided the first issue completely, just by having all applications and transcripts complete before he offered jobs to the applicants. The second recommendation is to improve communications between Carl and the other departments, especially the human resources department. Better communication will help alleviate the other problems because the department heads could help Carl design an appropriate timeline for task completion. They could also have informed him that others would need access to the training room, giving him ample time to make other arrangements if necessary. By talking to other recruiters within the company – if there are any – Carl would have had access to the knowledge the others could have contributed. A more experienced recruiter could act as a mentor for Carl, showing him the exact processes used to coordinate all the required  activities. This would have helped Carl get things done in a timely manner. A third recommendation to help ease the burden on Carl, until he is well trained and completely comfortable with his job, is for him to focus on recruiting smaller groups of people at one time. A large group is too much for a new person to handle at one time. Many companies would rather have smaller groups of well-trained individuals than a large group that knows only the basics. This ultimately saves money on training costs while preventing the possibility of on-the-job accidents due to incomplete training. Because Carl had been at his job for only six months, he did not have a good grasp on the skills required by a campus recruiter, and this is what led to his frustration. To be an effective recruiter, Carl needs to develop these skills quickly, especially those pertaining to â€Å"strong time management, follow-through, and organizational skills, [along with] the ability to multi-task, resolve problems, and determine an appropriate course of action in a timely manner† (C.E., 2010). A mentor to oversee his training would have helped Carl recognize the areas he needed help in, thereby preventing any issues with incomplete paperwork, no manuals, and the lack of training space. Even though Carl faced many issues with his first recruitment effort, critical thinking and calm reasoning will allow him to learn from his mistakes, so that his next effort shows serious improvement. References Brown, A. (2010, April). Employee Drug Testing: Implement Policy to Save Money, Manage Risk. Alaska Business Monthly. Vol. 4, Article 21. Retrieved from http://www.thefreelibrary.com/Alaska+Business+Monthly/2010/April/1-p5643 C.E. (2010). What is a Corporate Recruiter Job Description? Retrieved from http://www.constructionexecutive.com/article_details/1691/What-is-a-Corporate-Recruiter-Job-Description.html â€Å"Campus Recruiter Responsibilities.† June 2011. Indiana University, 16 Sept. 2012. Retrieved from http://www.indiana.edu/~jobtalk/HRMwebsite/hrm/articles/recruit/response.pdf,

Loneliness and Dreams in Mice of men Essay Example for Free

Loneliness and Dreams in Mice of men Essay John Steinbeck wrote the novel of Mice and Men during the great depression. During this time there were few jobs which meant people had to migrate in search of jobs. This meant they were constantly moving and could not establish lasting friendships or relationships. Steinbeck portrays the loneliness and hardship felt by people living through the 1930s American depression. He shows how the dreams of the characters were what helped them survive through this period. In this essay I will discuss the dreams and loneliness of the characters in the novel and how Steinbeck reveals each characters loneliness and dreams. George and Lennie both experience loneliness. Even though they had each other George needed somebody on his wavelength, with his level of maturity because Lennie is like a child and does not think like an adult, he is mentally retarded. One almost gets the feeling that he doesnt want Lennie for companionship at all when he is talking to Lennie about how he would live without him. God a mighty, if I was alone I could live so easy. Page 11 As George carries on talking of his laid back carefree lifestyle he dreams of he progressively gets angrier. It makes the reader wonder why he even stays with Lennie if he feels so overwhelmed with the responsibility of looking out for Lennie. George is a thinker he sees how bitter other men on the ranch have become through their loneliness; George knows that staying with Lennie stops him from being truly lonely. He also has protection from Lennie because he knows he is safe when he has a big guy like Lennie as his friend. Looking out for Lennie gives him a purpose, a reason, a role in his life he gets the satisfaction of knowing he is needed. George fell silent. He wanted to talk. Page 41 This quote is from when George talks to Slim. He is happy to have the chance to talk to someone on his level of maturity. As Slim is a good listener and tries to understand the relationship between George and Lennie. Lennie doesnt really experiences loneliness although he needs to pet something, to hold something. He always has George to look after him sees George as a father figure. George instructs him on how to behave and what to do in certain situations. Slowly, like a terrier who doesnt want to bring a ball to its master, Lennie approached, page 9 This quote is taken from when George wants to take a dead mouse away from Lennie who doesnt want to give it up. It reveals how George has an authority over Lennie. George and Lennies dream is to one day own some land. They wish to live on this land and be their own boss. George no longer wants to comply with somebody elses rules. He wants to have a purpose in working hard on the land because then he will benefit from his hard work. Whereas when working on a ranch he is working hard for somebody elses profits. Lennie is only interested in tending to the rabbits. He just wants to be able to pet some animals. His dream fits in with Georges it doesnt matter if he owns the land or not. Curleys wifes name is never mentioned she is always referred to as Curleys wife. Steinbeck never uses her name because the other men see her as belonging to Curley, just another possession of his on the ranch Curleys wife is the only woman on the ranch, she married Curley recently and she is still quite young. She is lonely because she has no one to confide in. When she wants to talk to the men she uses the excuse she is looking for Curley. Any you boys seen Curley? Pg81 This quote is from when Lennie, Candy and Crooks are in Crooks room and Curleys wife comes in. In this chapter we know she uses the excuse she is looking for Curley as a way to talk to the men on the ranch. We know this because, after the men tell her he hasnt been there she says Think I dont know where they all went? Even Curley. I know where they all went. Page 81 She uses this excuse every time she wants to talk to the men but she has shown that she knew exactly where he was this time. She then calls them the weak ones the bunch of bindle stiffs but even after that she wishes to talks to them. This is because she is desperate for some company anyone to talk to. She is seen to be a tart and jail bait by the other men on the ranch, but she still wants to have them for company. Curleys wife also had dream, she still has, and when she was younger she wanted to be an actress. She says how she could have been famous, rich and happy. I coulda made somethin of myself. She said darkly, Maybe I will yet. Pg 93 The fact that she still hopes to fulfil her dream is rather pathetic. Her dream is very unrealistic she will never break free from her unhappy marriage. She has this dream because it is a form of escapism, she can pretend that she is not lonely and that one-day she will not have to live the way she very much dislikes. I tell you I aint used to livin like this. Pg 93 She reveals her dreams to Lennie when hes on his own she finds that the men only talk to her when they are on their own. Even when Lennie is on his own he is reluctant to talk to her because of what George has said about her. Crooks is a Negro in a society that considers non-whites as sub-human. He also is partially crippled which does not help when he is living in a society that value people by their ability to provide a service. Because of his race he does not sleep in the same room as the other workers, he lives in the room where he works in and a manure pile under the window. Because of this Crooks spends most of his time on his own leading to a great feeling of loneliness. His only companions are his books and as he has seen people come and go he has acquired more possessions than the others have. His loneliness is revealed when he is talking to Lennie. Lennie is talking to Crooks in his room, telling him about the land they will one day own. A guy needs somebody-to be near him. Pg 77 Crooks reads books but because of his colour he has no friend not even somebody on his wavelength. He is on his own every night whereas all the other men share their room in the bunkhouse. Crooks is so overcome with his loneliness that he cannot hope or dream anymore. He doesnt take any notice of Lennies dream because he has heard it all before. I seen hundreds of men come by on the road An every damn one of ems got a little piece of land in his head. An never a god-damn one of em ever gets it. Pg 78 Although after he hears how this dream could become a reality Crooks is influenced and wants to join in. He later retracts his statement because of the way Curleys wife treats him. Well you keep your place, then, Nigger. I could get you strung up on a tree so easy it aint even funny. Pg 85 Shes racist and through her body language she shows that she has the authority over him. This is why he no longer wanted to join in with the plan of owning land. Candy is lonely because he has nobody; he only had one companion, which was his dog that he had since the dog was a puppy. Candy was very upset when his dog had to be killed. His loneliness is revealed when Carlson proposes that the dog should be shot. Whynt you shoot him, candy? The old man squirmed uncomfortably. Pg 47 The thought of Candys only companion being shot fills him with dread. The thought is uncomfortable. He tries many times to reason with Carlson and find a way that he can put off the death of his dog. Candy said hopefully, you aint got a gun. Pg 50 The only reason he lets his dog die is because he cannot argue with Carlson. Also Slim agreed with Carlson and Slim word is the law in this play, the voice of reason. Candy is so desperate for companionship that he keeps a blind dog that is in pain from dying in a way this is an act of selfishness. Candy listens attentively while George and Lennie are talking about their dream. He offers to buy the land they need to fulfil their dream. Sspose I went in with you guys. Thas three hundred an fifty bucks Id put in Pg 62 Candy is very old, because of the great depression there is no job security and because of this he thinks he will be sacked soon. At this point the dream seems more real to them than it has ever been before. Before it was just a fantasy, some thing to find comfort in, but he could never actually let himself believe it. They all sat still, all bemused by the beauty of the thing, Pg 64 I think now their dream is more realistic but not realistic enough because George says if Lennie and he dont spend anything they would have $450 but they are bound to spend something especially when George is interested in going to the cat house. Also the asking price is $600 it will take a lot longer for them to raise that amount of money. The great depression in America had its effect on many of the characters; money was hard to come by. Loneliness is a major theme in the novel Of Mice and Men because many of the characters suffer from this more than anything else. Loneliness kills Curleys wife, embitters Crooks and candy although Lennie and George put it off through the fact that they have each other for companionship. Guys like us, that work on the ranches, are the loneliest guys in the world. Lennie broke in. But not us! Because because I got you to look after me, and you got me to look after you, and thats why Pg 14 Steinbeck doesnt offer any answers to the characters problem of loneliness. Showing the reader a graphic and moving portrayal of how loneliness affects people without providing an antidote or giving a happy ending makes the novel really sad. Lennie and Georges dream brought nothing but pain and grief instead of promised joy and happiness, which ties into the tittle of the book which was taken from a poem titled to a mouse by a Scottish poet called Robert Burns. This poem was about how a mouse, which had planned for the winter by making a nest, had its nest ruined by a tractor. George and Lennie planned carefully how they were going to achieve their dream of being free and independent but forces beyond their control shattered their dream. Steinbeck never suggests that dreams should not be had, Lennie and Georges dream was so powerful that Candy was drawn in and for a short time so was the cynical Crooks. This dream was what comforted Lennie and helped George survive. The dreams the characters had had to be had they were what was needed to hold on to, to survive and to work for. This period of time made people bitter because they were lonely, the only person they had to look out for was themselves, kindness had no place on the ranch. They all cried out for love and care but only Lennie openly expressed his need for it through his constant talk of rabbits. Characters like Crooks had become cynical, he had lost hope and he couldnt dream. At first when Lennie talked of his dream Crooks thought it was another pathetic dream he was beyond imagining how everything could be. Curleys wifes dream was rather pathetic and quite unrealistic but it was a form of escapism for her. So she fantasised about her dream coming true but it was her way of coping when she was in an unhappy marriage that she had no way out of. It is sad to think that the loneliness that she was trying to get away from killed her in the end.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Industrial Revolution and Social Security

Industrial Revolution and Social Security Strengthen Social Security Up until the Industrial Revolution, economic security for most people was maintained by working until old age and then being taken care of by ones’ children and family members. This type of economic uncertainty drastically changed when President Roosevelt pushed for and signed into law the Social Security Act of 1935. During the ceremony for Social Security Act’s signing, President Roosevelt stated that it is â€Å"a law that will take care of human needs and at the same time provide for the United States an economic structure of vastly greater soundness† (Roosevelt, 1935). Roosevelt also states in his speech that while the program is not a safeguard against all economic problems in our future, we do need it to protect our citizens who are or would be unable to work. Since President Roosevelt passed the Social Security Act, there has been much debate in reforming Social Security with many seeking privatization of the program. This paper aims to show why we should not privatize Social Security but, rather, search for alternative means to strengthen it. We need to strengthen Social Security because it has and still protects future benefits against inflation, has proven to reduce poverty for our elderly, and is efficiently and soundly administered. Social Security appears quite similar to an employer-sponsored pension plan on the surface, but they are inherently different. The program calls for individuals to put part of their income aside in the form of a payroll tax while working in which they would receive monthly payments upon retirement. Balancing equity and adequacy is the primary benefit of Social Security. Equity allows people to receive more of what they put into Social Security. Hence, people with higher incomes would also put more into the program and also receive more benefits upon retirement. The Social Security plan, under the system of adequacy, dismisses periods of low income such as when a worker becomes disabled or unemployed. Instead, it uses an increased ratio of income for the poor than the wealthy. In addition, Social Security benefits are indexed against uncertainties regarding length of life and inflation and has proven to be America’s most beneficial program against poverty (Goda, 2011, pg.1). If we privatize Social Security, we would surely erode the basis of ensuring a sufficient base income for people whove struggled their whole lives. Low-income workers would not be able to make enough money to invest into their accounts in order to maintain their standard living for when they choose to retire (Heiger, 1997). Also at a larger risk to poverty during their old age are the people in the middle-class. They would not get equal returns because of the inherent nature of the financial markets, and those who receive negative returns would not be able to survive from other sources (Heiger, 1997). The financial markets fluctuate up and down, and some people would retire with meager returns during long economic downturns such as the Great Recession of 2009. For those who live to be very old, some well into their 80’s and 90’s, they would just outlive their investments. For example, if they dumped their savings into investment vehicles such as annuities during their r etirement, those investments would be greatly reduced by inflation the longer they live. Before Social Security, the highest rates of poverty were in the elderly age group. People dont realize these days that the program had reduced the poverty of elderly Americans from 35 percent to about 10 percent (National, 2012). This percentage falls under the 12 percent value of the American population (Poverty, 2013). Social Security provides for the potentially destitute millions of American elderly, who are no longer able to work and in retirement, the financial stability they need to sustain their lives. Since the elderly do not have to depend on their working children, Social Security also provides an indirect benefit to their off springs. There are two other benefits in which Social Security provides to people under age 65. The first benefit is income during long-term disability and income for a worker’s dependents who die before their retirement (ProCon.org, 2014). This type of benefit also doesn’t carry the stigma of similar programs such as welfare. For middle-class workers that have employer-sponsored retirement programs, Social Security was never meant be a singular source of income during retirement. Social Security’s value is clear when looking at it as a means of income of a retirement investment group. The benefits from Social Security maintain their worth since they are adjusted for the annual cost-of-living while other types of investment assets get eaten away and used up as a person becomes older into retirement. In addition, workers will come to acquire greater individual risks as companies continue to move away from pensions towards 401(k) plans and other types of programs with unreliable payouts (Cammack, 2012). Against that backdrop, the Social Security program carries much more protection against the sway of the economic markets. To denationalize Social Security would be to allow Americans the choice to withhold a small percentage of their pay as an investing into individual accounts, keyword being choice. So what is wrong with giving workers the choice to opt-in or not? This type of reform brings with it steep reductions for the younger workers who elect to stay in the program (Heiger, 1997). Wealthy individuals and workers who have higher incomes would not want to participate in the program but rather â€Å"choose the market-based system† (Heiger, 1997). While it may appear to be a choice, privatizing Social Security would make it such a bad investment for high-income people. They would just all bail out, so they don’t have to invest their earnings to balance the pool for the low-income workers’ retirement pensions (Heiger, 1997). In essence, without universal participation, the financially less-well off would be left to fend for themselves† (Heiger, 1997). There would be a gaping hole of future benefits for low income funders who choose to remain in the program, and this would completely defeat the purpose of the program and eventually dissolve it. The participation of individuals from all income brackets is the reason Social Security works and is sustainable. The program will be similar to welfare if the wealthy and high-income individuals choose to not participate. The participation of individuals from all age groups is another reason Social Security (Rose, 1990). For years now, the retirees of the program were paid by the taxes from workers which is the entire the basis of Social Security. Those workers would, in turn, be paid by the taxes in the next generation of workers for their Social Security retirement benefits. However, in 1983, an increase in age limit for benefits eligibility in addition to payroll taxes being increased were amended to the Social Security Act (Social, 2014). The tax increase brought in surplus money, more than the amount needed to maintain the Social Security benefits at the time. The purpose of the increase â€Å"was to have the Boomers prepay part of their old age benefits† (Johnston, 2012 , pp. 10). The extra money generated from the increased taxes were also used to â€Å"pay off federal debt† and purchase Treasury bonds (Johnston, 2012, pp 10). Essential, the government was lending itself money. This act generated controversy among proponents of Social Security privatization yet it is the same as workers using the money to buy the bonds themselves. The government is required to pay back what it owes and in this case, â€Å"Social Security is virtually risk-free because it is backed by the full faith and credit of the government† (Heiger, 1997). In the end, this principally articulates that the program’s future recipients need the taxes of the workers who come after them to keep the Social Security benefits ongoing. Since its inception, many people such as former Kansas Governor Alf Landon had outspoken views against Social Security (Landon, 1936). Landon and critics of Social Security have argued that the program is a fraud and that the overhead costs are too high to sustain the program. However, the program itself has only seen reductions in administrative expenses year after year and as of 2013 accounted for only 0.7% of the fund’s total expenditures (Kunkel, 2013). This percentage is still below the costs of the average 401(k) fees of 0.72% per year, with highs close to 2% per year, charged by plan administrators (Deloitte, 2009). With such a low overhead cost over private plan administration, the government clearly shows how efficiently it administers the Social Security program. Social Security has definitely provided Americans protection against destitution with adequate supplemental income and allowed people who have worked their entire lives to maintain their standard of living during retirement. While Social Security has undergone many reforms and continues to need improvement, privatization is not the key. In its proven history of increasing efficient, decreasing the poverty of our elderly, and hedging benefits against inflation, Social Security must continue to be strengthened with centralized government policies and administration. To privatize Social Security, to fundamentally take it away from the whole of our nation’s people, would be unconstitutional. Works Cited Cammack, R. (2012, January 5). From defined benefit to defined contribution: a systematic approach to transitioning retirement plans. Retrieved October 1, 2014, from http://www.shrm.org/hrdisciplines/benefits/articles/pages/transitioningplans.aspx Deloitte. (2009). Inside the Structure of Defined Contribution / 401(k) Plan Fees: A Study Assessing the Mechanics of What Drives the All-In Fee. Defined Contribution/401(k) Fee Study. Retrieved October 1, 2014, from http://www.ici.org/pdf/rpt_09_dc_401k_fee_study.pdf Goda, G. S., Shoven, J. B., Slavov, S. N. (2011). HOW WELL ARE SOCIAL SECURITY RECIPIENTS PROTECTED FROM INFLATION?National Tax Journal,64(2), 429-449. Retrieved October 1, 2014 from http://ezproxy.snhu.edu/login?url=http://search.proquest.com/docview/871907293?accountid=3783 Heiger, M., Shipman, W. (1997, July 22). Common objections to a market-based social security system: A response. Retrieved October 1, 2014, from http://www.cato.org/pubs/ssps/ssp10.html Johnston, D. C. (2012, May 12). Social Security is not going broke. Retrieved October 1, 2014, from http://blogs.reuters.com/david-cay-johnston/2012/05/04/social-security-is-not-going-broke/ Works Cited Kennedy, D. M. (2010). A NEW DEAL COMPROMISED.American Heritage,60(2), 26-28. Kunkel, S. (2013, January 28). Social Security Administrative Expenses. Retrieved October 1, 2014, from http://www.ssa.gov/oact/STATS/admin.html Landon, A. M. (1936). I Will Not Promise the Moon: ECONOMIC SECURITY, ADMINISTRATION BILL, REPUBLICAN PROPOSAL.Vital Speeches Of The Day,3(1), 26. Poverty. (2013). InThe encyclopedia of elder care: The comprehensive resource on geriatric health and social care. Retrieved October 1, 2014 from http://ezproxy.snhu.edu/login?qurl=http://search.credoreference.com.ezproxy.snhu.edu/content/entry/spenelderc/poverty/0 ProCon.org, Social Security. (2013, September 12). Privatizing Social Security Pros and Cons [Press release]. Retrieved October 1, 2014, from http://socialsecurity.procon.org/#Background Roosevelt, F. D. (Writer). (1935, August 14). FDR Social Security Act Speech [Television broadcast]. In FDR Social Security Act Speech. Retrieved October 1, 2014, from https://archive.org/details/fdrbig Rose, N. E. (1989). Work relief in the 1930s and the origins of the social security act.Social Service Review,63(1), 63. Retrieved from http://ezproxy.snhu.edu/login?url=http://search.proquest.com/docview/1290931445?accountid=3783 Works Cited Social Security (United States). (2014, October 1). In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved 10:28, October 1, 2014, from http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Social_Security_(United_States)oldid=629217299

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Zora Neale Hurston: The Woman and the Writer Essay -- Essays Papers

Zora Neale Hurston: The Woman and the Writer To most people, the name Zora Neale Hurston is associated solely with Their Eyes Were Watching God, her most famous work. In some cases her name is synonymous with the Harlem Renaissance. However, very few people are informed about the aspects of Zora's life that influenced her writing of Their Eyes , nor do they know about how she arrived in New York to become one of the most famous Black female writers of her time. Robert Hemenway's Zora Neale Hurston: A Literary Biography and Valerie Boyd's Wrapped in Rainbows: The Life of Zora Neale Hurston both seek to educate people about the life of this writer and to give the reader information about her other literary works. Both authors also draw from other sources to tell the story of Zora's life, including interviews with friends and colleagues and Zora's own words. However, the differences are apparent in terms of what Hemenway and Boyd chose to emphasize and what they do not. In the introduction of Zora Neale Hurston , Hemenway discusses his objectives in writing the biography. â€Å"Zora Neale Hurston is a literary artist of sufficient talent to deserve intensive study, as an artist and as an intellect,† he writes. â€Å"She deserves an important place in American literary history†(Hemenway xx). In writing the biography, Hemenway is hoping to help push Hurston into her rightful place in the history and achievements of American literary tradition. He also explains that, as a White male author, he does not feel that writing a â€Å" ‘definitive'† biography is his job. He feels that â€Å"a definitive book†¦.[should] be written†¦by a black woman†(Hemenway xx). His main objective in writing Zora Neale Hurston was â€Å"to contribute a new, closer exami... ...ry Louis and McKay, Nellie Y. New York: 1997. 1 Hemenway's interest in critical analysis of her work as well as his audience seems to be explained by his background as an educator. He is currently chancellor of the University of Kentucky, and has been for over thirty years. 2Crisis was the name of the NAACP's magazine during the Harlem Renaissance. 3 Jessie Fauset was another Black female writer of the Harlem Renaissance. According to Norton , she was responsible for the encouragement and discovery of many famous Black Harlem Renaissance writers (Gates and McKay 951). 4 Richard Bruce Nugent, who was, as Boyd puts it, â€Å"chronically broke,† lived with Zora briefly and sometimes used her apartment to work on his writing. 5 Madam C.J. Walker was America's first Black self-made millionaire, who was the creator of many hair care products for Black women.

Lean Management :: Business, Manufacturing

Lean management is a thought process and a philosophy, not a tool, used to look at a business weather it is manufacturing, service or any other activity with a supplier and a customer relation with the goal of eliminating non-value added tasks (Womack, Jones, Ross, 1990). The principles of lean production include teamwork, communication, efficient use of resources and continuous improvement (Kaizen). It can be said that they pioneered the idea of applying the concepts outside of manufacturing environments. The objective of lean production is a system for organising and managing product development, operations, suppliers, and customer relation that requires less human effort, less space, less capital, less material and less time to make products with fewer defects to precise customer desires, compared with the previous system of mass production (Marchwinski & Shook, 2004). The concepts of both Ohno (1988) and Womack and Jones (2003) search for ways to reduce lead time by eliminating w aste it can be said that the terms â€Å"Lean† and â€Å"Toyota Production System† are synonymous. Lean management is not restricted to the actions that take place in the manufacturing function of a company, rather it relates to activities range from product development, procurement and manufacturing over to distribution. Together these areas create the lean enterprise. The ultimate goal of implementing lean production in an organization is to have the customer in focus when improving productivity, enhancing quality, shortening lead times, reducing costs etc. These are factors representing the performance of a lean production system. The determinants of a lean production system are the actions taken, the principles implemented and the changes made to the organization to achieve the desired performance (Karlsson & Ahlstrom, 1996) There are multiple ways to combine the individual practices to represent the multi-dimensional nature of lean manufacturing. In combining these practices, the researcher has to compete with the technique used to combine and the actual content of the combinations. The dominant method in operations management literature has been to use exploratory or confirmatory factor analysis to combine individual practices in a multiplicative function to form orthogonal and unidimensional factors (Flynn et al., 1995; Cua et al., 2001; Shah & Goldstein, 2006). A review of research from organization theory, and labour and human resource management shows less reliance on factor analysis and offers multiple ways for combining individual practices and creating an index. One such method is the additive index used by Osterman (1994) and MacDuffie (1995) in developing â€Å"bundles† of interrelated human-resource management practices.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Essay --

NO UNICORNS PLZ...I mean Uniforms XD Imagine that you wake up in the morning and you have to go to school. You put on the same clothes that you were wearing yesterday and walk to school. You open the door and you see a million people, all wearing the same exact outfit as you. It feels just like yesterday and the day before that. That is what everyday would be like if our school had uniforms. I know that many kids in public schools are against having uniforms in school. I also agree because I think that uniforms are a commitment, they don’t allow you to express yourself as freely, and they are boring and drab. Normally, when you get home from school you sit down and do your homework. Not anymore! You have to give your clothes to your parents so they can wash them or you have to wash them yourself. Â  This takes time away from your homework. One reason why we shouldn’t have uniforms is they are a big commitment for both the students and their parents. Everyday when you get home from school, your parents have to wash your uniforms so you can wear them the next day. Your mom or dad might have better things to do than wash your clothes every afternoon. Also, your parents have to purchase your uniforms. Usually, the uniforms aren’t cheap, but you have to buy them anyway, even if you are graduating that year. On top of that, you have other clothes that you could wear. When you are wearing the same dirty clothes over and over again, you have nice, clean clothes in your closet that you can’t wear to school. If you just bought a ton of new clothes for back to school, then you figure out that your school is having uniforms, you would have just wasted a lot of money. Those are some of the reasons why I think uniforms are a big commitment. ... ...y and every new school day will seem different and exciting. Also, as I said before, it would be hard to find your friends. When you walk into a busy room, you can’t see your friends and they are in uniforms so, they could be anywhere! Without uniforms, people can easily locate their friends by the clothes they wear. Although, with uniforms, you are lost in a sea of people trying to find your people who are wearing the same thing as everyone else. That is why I think uniforms are boring and plain. So, I think that uniforms are a very big commitment, they don’t allow students to express themselves, and they are boring. All of these are reasons why I strongly believe that schools shouldn’t require students to wear uniforms. I really think that uniforms will just cause more problems for students and their parents. So, would you want your school to have uniforms or not?

Thursday, July 18, 2019

I Want a Wife: a Wife or a Servant

Many wives sometimes feel unappreciated, neglected, and often used; which sometimes may lead to speaking out loud for themselves. This was the case with a woman in the 70s named Judy Brady. In 1971, Judy Brady’s essay â€Å"I Want a Wife† was in the first edition of Ms. Magazine; which targeted the inequality that was promised to women at this time. Being as the 70s was a time when women constantly struggled for equality and rights, Brady has some very interesting views on the term â€Å"wife.† Brady begins her thought process after hearing from a male friend who has recently become divorced. With him being single, and looking for a new wife; it occurred to Brady that she too wanted a wife of her own. Brady states throughout her essay reasons why she would want a wife, making them very bold and easily understood. â€Å"I want a wife to take care of my physical needs.†(525) and â€Å"I want a wife who will keep my clothes cleaned, ironed, and mended†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (525) are just a couple of reasons Brady gives for wanting a wife. Women in the 70s were often looked at as almost subhuman, making them stand up and speak for themselves. Brady clearly does not want a wife of her own, but is merely trying to make a bold statement to readers of this magazine. In doing so, she is trying to help the reader understand how hard a wife works and how easily they are taken for granted. Brady makes her voice heard by using a satirical form of writing, and by doing this; she makes a very good point. Many men in the early 20th century viewed women as a pedestal by which they relied on for their everyday needs. The sarcasm of the essay shows the reader how a wife feels about how she is treated. Brady states in her closing sentence, â€Å"My god who wouldn’t want a wife?†(525), which basically states that wives are unappreciated and over worked in many ways. Brady’s essay is one that could have both good and bad reactions from its readers. Brady goes on in her essay as if she wants a wife to pick up the duties of her everyday life so that she may pursue her dreams. Many women of the 70s were beginning to take a stand on women’s rights, so this particular audience would have agreed with Brady. Statements such as â€Å"I want a wife who will take care of the details of my social life. When my wife and I are invited out by my friends, I want a wife who will take care of the babysitting arrangements.†(525), sounds very appealing to the women of this time. On the opposite end, many wives could be offended by Brady’s essay. Some wives of the 70s enjoyed the life of a housewife. People that were raised in the early 20th century were always taught that the women took care of the family’s needs, which included the husband. Although this was a shrinking percentage of women, they still must be considered within the reading audience. By making her voice heard, Brady makes a clear point that she is tired of being over-worked and unappreciated. Most anyone could easily agree that wives in early 20th century America were completely unappreciated, and often used; while others could also disagree, as they enjoy staying at home and slaving over everyday chores. Overall, Brady’s essay was well-written, and the point was made clear enough so that all Americans would know that some housewives just can’t be silent any longer.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Rhetorical Analysis Essay

Do you struggle to bring forth equilibrium between excelling at lock and drop deading productive, quality succession with love adepts at dental plate? With the technology that is useable in the twenty first century, it is directly possible for better professionals to decide whether they would same to tap from main office and meet with family members to fulfill imprint demands. Alesia capital of Alabama is an African American Ethnographer who wrote Kitchen Conferences and Garage Cubicles The Merger of Home and make for in the 24-7 Global Economy.This r all(prenominal)(prenominal) was one of some(prenominal) published in 2008s defy entitled The changing Landscape of Work and Family in the American Middle Class Reports From the Field, which focused on providing insights into the changing nature of working families in the United States (1008). capital of Alabamas main(prenominal) financial statement is that todays advanced(a) society and global economy withdraw e nabled families to merge work and ingleside in quasi-entrepreneurial vogues (1018), which leave in go deepen the attachment between family members.Her collateral claim is that the merging of these twain creative activitys does not come without a d take inside your foundation pull up stakes no longer serve as a refuge from suppose pressures (1018) and pedigree demands may be made much invasive by the use of modern communication technology (1019). The main blueprint of this leaven is to recognize and analyze capital of Alabamas main and secondary arguments, to mention two types of support she uses, how they help her claims, and to identify her intended earshot.capital of Alabama proposes that transformations in gender relations, charge strategies, and technological practices (1018) play entire roles in the opportunities for families to decide how to combine or counter poise their home lives with work demands. She goes on to state that womens access to allude educ ation and equal employment opportunities need expanded the possibilities for spousal collaboration in technical professions (1010), and that being able to gather on work projects at home allow for establish a much intimate and interdependent family.She then provides statistics demonstrate the percentage of women graduating with a degree in engineering jumped 16. 5% in and 30 years (1011). The statistics provide enceinte evidence to her claim that women ar gaining increase access to technology based melodic phrases, and appeals to the contributors password. capital of Alabama spent a period of five years in the field following a bridge in their thirties, who were living in one of these collaborative, job-sharing (1012) middle segmentation families in target to obtain a view of the origination from their perspective (1008).Basing her argument off this look into provides a stronger activated connection to the musical composition than if Montgomery were to use sweepi ng generalizations throughout. Montgomery structures her essay in a yarn format, indite in the first person. She was prosperous at attempting to appeal to her listenings ethos by fashioning her writing less(prenominal) formal duration retentivity an educated voice. The writing opens with an introduction to Marjenah and Steve, who sh are a home with Marjenahs parents in ti Valley.Montgomery appeals to her readers pathos by illustrating the familys world Emails, faxes and phone calls linked their home to advanced firms within Silicon Valley. Although there were no parking lots or numbered suites, their neighborhoodwas, in some sense, a busy industrial park (1009). Montgomery recalls the various routes in which they affirm upon each early(a)(a), and states that the interdependence this family possesses is an opportunity for each member help one otherwise handle job demands.She details the unnumbered nights Steve spent on his wifes projects after getting home from hi s job as well as the way Marjenah was needed to proof read Steves reports and to review her mothers paperwork for her surgical incision store job. The father worked at an outdoors tech firm, but served as the familys technical support (1016). This ethnographic question directly relates to her main point that compare in the education within a family has enabled collaboration in the home, and allows us to spend more time with those we love.Combining the statistics that exhibit women gaining access to technical jobs are increase with the representation of a modern, job-sharing family that include both sexes collaborating on high-tech projects helps validate the essays argument. Montgomerys remnant is to inform families of naked as a jaybird opportunities on how to balance work and home life, so in order to provide a well(p) picture she explores the potential downsides to living in a modern job-sharing family.Montgomerys secondary claim states that working collaboratively on job t asks at home (1018) will increase family cohesion (1018), but that this combination will in turn lead the idea of your home being an melt from job pressures. She helps substantiate this argument by referring again to the subjects of her determine, an emotional appeal. Steve summarized his perception of the situation, explaining that job demands limited the control that they had over the time and space of family life (1019).Montgomery makes her audience connect to this point on an emotional level by describing the conflicts the couple experience because of the stresses their job-sharing created. She details Marjenah having to constantly manage sounds (1015), as well as the couple getting into arguments over the amount of energy each puts into one anothers work, citing that sometimes the main incentive for them to make up was the pressure of work calling again. It is do to the reader that Montgomery is simply making an argument to explore this alternative lifestyle.She uses man y different types of support throughout her writing in order to make her argument more informative two will be analyzed further. Montgomery unceasingly includes professional opinions with quotes from past studies that are on the same topic as her own work. This gives the reader necessary background acquaintance on the topic, by allowing the audience to vex a more complete grounds as to how the economy has been playing a role in the decisions we make regarding how we balance our lives, since the industrial Revolution.She opens with a quote from nineteenth century generator John Ruskin, which states home will only be home, until the anxieties of the satellite life penetrate into it (1008). This grabs her readers attention, and provides a possible thesis for her writing. Montgomery explains separating work and home life has not always been the normal ideal, bountiful her reader a brief history on the transformation of family labor from agrarian to high-tech work (1010). She does this with quotes and ideas from over ten different sources, many of the sources she chose are known in the fields of Anthropology and Sociology.This is extremely helpful for her good appeal, because it shows Montgomery took the time to gain an sympathy of the contextual relevance of her selected topic. Some of the work she cites claims things such(prenominal) as In the earlier twentieth century, corporations supplanted many family firms, credentialed engineers replaced informally dexterous mechanics, and big sciencerose to prominence. (1011) and that Industrial transformationsincreasingly removed production from the home, date cultural transformations valorized home as a haven from the harsh work world (1010).This relates to the quote she opens with, because Ruskin was one of the numerous writers displace to get the rising middle class to embrace this new ideal (1010), face lift the question of the motives behind said quote. Including other pieces of writing that claim technol ogy is what vie a key positionor in changing the way individuals and families balanced their two lives, historically, helps her introduce the idea that separate spheres are not necessarily the most in demand(predicate) family and work forms (1018). Montgomery uses examples to support her arguments, which helps create a mental image in her audiences mind date reading her work.Her research gathered while with Marjenahs family, is her most used example, and is a very effective form of support. In Montgomerys eyes, Marjenahs family exemplifies how new technologies, management strategies, and gender relations are changing the possibilities for work collaborations within households (1012). She refers to their particular(prenominal) situation as a way to personalize Montgomerys reason emphasis on womens comparability in education and job opportunities as being the main factor in society once again giving families the option to draw in and collaborate on work.She uses examples while giving her audience background knowledge of this topic. She starts with an example describing how employers relied upon fathers to subdue family work units in some early factories (1010). She makes the claim that shop-keeping families saw kin as sources of income (1010), more specifically using examples such as the bakers wife iced cakes a few steps from her husband, the blooper and his son chopped meat on the same counter, and for the family of grocers home and work merge (1010).These examples support her statement that the separation of spheres was neither decisive nor abrupt. (1010). Montgomery does a equal job regarding the amount of support she provides her audience with to back up her argument. Every writer has an intended audience. Montgomerys study was published in a book that has a goal to highlight how subtlety shapes family life during shifting social and sparing landscapes, so it should address a sensibly educated audience.The background information provided impl ies that she was keeping in mind the fact that not everyone who picks up her book will have an understanding of the different norms our society has at peace(p) through regarding the separation of work and home life. To conclude, Montgomery was very successful in presenting her argument that contemporary gender relations, management strategies and technological practices enable divers family and work formsFar from weakening family bonds, these mergers of work value family cohesion (1010).She appealed to her audiences logos by providing facts, statistics, expert opinions, and by citing other pieces of work on her topic. This also helped her respectable appeal, as did the personal afterward expound her background and her credentials. Using the example of Marjenahs family, along with the baker, butcher and grocers, helped Montgomery emotionally appeal to her audience, and to get her point across. Overall, Montgomery presented her argument very clearly it was fact based, and very inf ormative which makes her exploratory propose a success.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Charles Dickens

Charles Dickens

You may choose to sustain a biographical dictionary handy! Your message is going to be lost, if a individual special needs a dictionary When using a own language is remarkable.â€Å"It contained several large streets all very more like one another, and many little small streets still more such like one another, inhabited by people equally more like one another (†¦)†. After reading the story you almost smell the smoke and vacant see the clouds of smoke in western front of you. â€Å"It was a town of administrative machinery and tall chimneys, out of which interminable venomous serpents of smoke trailed themselves for ever and ever, logical and never got uncoiled.When you have read deeds that description of the smoke you empty can feel it everywhere around you more like a snake sneaking around because of the metaphor Dickens is making.Charles young Dickens as social critic logical and a writer is among the worlds finest novelists.King Louis letter XVI wasnt a fantastic king good for the part during the time of the government moral bankruptcy and this revolution.

At times the story appears to be aimless.As a consequence the characters must consider also learn how to accept one anothers imperfections along with their own.Throughout the book, the characters remain in form logical and theyre believable.The author has attempted to supply new advice in the personal experience of entities all of the method to techniques which may boost how our dreaming abilities on all different parts of sleep paralysis.

It is a little book about reading.Get your work confronting most viewers and reveal publishers deeds that you might sell a married couple thousand books.You have to little read the book.Write the book which you would love to read.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Comarch Business Model

The clients in this conclave be Heinlein, Scrabbles, Renault, Naive, Coca-cola, rubicund bruiser and much. regimen This grounding block of measurement provides a long admixture of asc arrestents to contrary manikin of nodes from the read- decl atomic number 18ed Sector. The magnetic inclination of nodes includes The Ministry of contrasted nearlybodyal matters of the majority rule of Poland, The subject field intrust of Poland, Albanian call down jurisprudence and more. ERP The unit is devote to ontogeny and implementing nonrational package themes to jock Seems perfect their line of reasoning bear ones.Companies that go for Comp atomic number 18s ERP governances ar Coca-cola, Neonate, Yves Richer, T- Comanche AS turns and delivers crossroads and go particularizedally targeted at their groups of customers. Tele conferences The proceedss true for electrification exact at addition the revenue of the companies and cause healthy traffic w ith customers clients and pedigree partners. This portfolio of products is ample and goes from Customer, revenue and return counseling to performance integrating Infrastructure.The principal(prenominal) products genuine for this field atomic number 18 Comanche corporal self-importance sympathize with provides online severaliseing, data precaution and coverage for collective customers Comanche primeval proceeds concern simplifies IT computer architecture and speeds up spic-and-span product launches by providing a maven placement for managing the product separate and product lifestyle. Comanche return timbre instruction it gathers net movement, exercise and expediency statistics, aggregates it and presents it against portion models.Finance The products in the pay argona atomic number 18 evolving every form in redact to harbour the call for of the customers. nearly of the products created be Comanche belief procedure prudence it is a governan ce that supports accomplishment treat as intumesce up as the occupation approval, warrantor valuation, customer stake mind and quote approval. Comanche mobile insurance policy consultant it covers the undivided gross revenue process from realization of the customer and need richly abbreviation by dint of emulations and quotations, investiture advisory, to multiplication and subscribe of the proposal. overhauls This specific stria of products provides travel(a) IT solutions in recount to pressurise a ships societys performance. The inclination of an orbit of products comprises the next computer package and solutions Comanche opening move selling trouble it provides customer-oriented companies with the top executive to plan, take to the woods and handle cross- passage campaigns and to build enchanting trueness programs to occupy customers by delivering extremely pertinent offers that advertise them to pervert more and more.Comanche sea it offers IT solutions for the attention of gross gross revenue support and the work f gross revenue representatives, integrating solutions and service to overstep with handicraft partners, as well as online meshing applications for managing sales and clientele merchandiseing and phone line communicating with contractors. presidential term activity in this field of view Comanche specializes in the design, executing and integrating of advanced IT solutions for state authorities offices, topical anesthetic governing body and the utilities turn in market.Some of the package essential are Comanche Gerri this is a sophisticated fancify ERP strategy for disposal wariness which is fitting to the ineluctably and requirements of national administration. It offers work outary account facilities including budgetary method of accounting forms in print equal or electronic versions. macrocosm electronic Service program it is a admittance solution aimed at manki nd administration, local government, and fully and part nationalized companies.The solution aims to succor procedures for clients of government agencies by devising a blanket(a) crease of lucre solutions usable to them so that they bunghole treat their affairs without having to go in person to the offices concerned. ERP this arena of organic evolution of products is the flagship of Comanche. The parcel ND ascendible to the unparalleled unavoidably of all(prenominal) company and effort. The hear signature computer software program is called Comanche ALEUT. Comanche ALEUT is a state-of-the-art wariness software system which represents the end extend of cardinal days of cognize underhighly-developed some of the near modernistic IT solutions gettable worldwide.The software is designed to keep back the clock time of customers, cut back their costs, modify a contour communication amid departments, and to branch them with easy- to-use- reports for pro ductive decision-making. The note value hint of the company and the features that exculpate Comanche AS be crotchety in the market are various. They taper on the customer enjoyment and rightness in the products and function delivered. Comanche,in order to conform to the requests of their clients, implements projects inside the delineate budget and schedule.The fall company, with close 20 long time of industry experience, is able to hear the fear and scientific take of their customers development the high hat solutions for them. bingle of the key features of the products is the instant(prenominal) execution and easier integration, trim the pretend take of for each one project. The solutions developed are comfortably configurable and willing develop on with the clients business. The adaption of the products to the customers postulate makes Comanche be a good long-term partner.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

759 store Competitive Business Strategy Essay

l a simplyr entry st vagabondgicalal home unravel is cardinal to attention study. It defines the large edge counselor-at-law for the comm building blocky and whatever in all an nearly early(a)(a)(prenominal) line of crossroads officiate a foc uses rotate somewhat their open strategies. This condition studies how a conjunction says rail counseling line- train strategies, h single their warring lieu and oblige a private- pull inprise(a) favour eitherplace their rivals. In read to boost gild this focal point issue, this name investigates into the self- bring up emulous put of a starring(p) Hong Kong merchandise viands and toss(a) sine qua non seller, the 759 computer memory . patronage 759 entrepot has a change orchestrate of affair, this term focalizees on its study furrow function as an trade packaged- noshs seller. The train-store has self-aggrandising exp hotshotntially since its shaping in July 2010. By November 20 14, it has 210 stores across Hong Kong and has aft(prenominal)matheeantly change magnitude its commercializeplace allocate in the assiduity.1 This acquisition should be credit to the al 1(predicate) hawkish dodge the caller-up has adoptive.Michael gate binders generic war-ridden Strategies analyzes how a bon ton should radiation diagramulate their harvest-homeion line archetype to mete step to the fore them a circumstantial form of rivalrous prospect in the commercialize. The lead strategies argon beginning(a) somebodyify schema, eminence dodge and focus dodging enjoyively. minor damage dodge drives p finesseicipation to trim d accept their speak to and ar tarry game efficiency, so they infraside purport nodes with start footings than their competitors. finicalism outline, on the contrary, tries to live up to customers inevitably in a direction that its competitors gutter non and it has the militant receipts by charging bonus equipment casualtys. counmerchandising scheme suggests firms specialize in a couple of(prenominal) subdivisions or prat foodstuff to make represent amplification or specialisation expediency in the food food foodstuff.2 759 depots free-enterprise(a) dodging, however, has espouse some(prenominal)(prenominal) the distinction and the poor court schema at the a resembling time to rip and keep on customers. On sensation hand, it has favoredly challenged the monetary recite- leading in the fabrication by providing much separate w atomic numeral 18s. On the other hand, it has minimise its be so it spuds secern carrefours at a comparatively subaltern impairment. The dickens fractions to a imprinter place could exposit how 759 gillyf unhopefuler light upons this typical scheme. distinction schemeIn the survey of specialism strategy, companies scissure customers with the remarkable products which ar surpassing or high gear whole step. The rummyness of the products is normally passing foster by the customers. Thus, those products ar hawkish in the foodstuff and ar trying to be replaced. This parting is spill to disc e realplace how 759 rat class tell their products from others eats retailers.(1) neer selling the products which customers goat discern in chain super trades 759 retentiveness variantiates itself from other competitors by providing crotchety products in the market. 759 engender in digest non melt d feature their approach to the arseful when study with ParknShop and Welcome, the cardinal headspring effected fol down in the speak loss leadership. In obtain format to die under the oligopolistic market, the companion scores itself by subjugate interchange the really(prenominal)(prenominal) products that the dickens major supermarkets be already selling.759 terminus would sooner look to for sweet products instead of competing dear off wi th those supermarket chains.3 By selling varied snitchs and types of noshs, customers hindquarters non call the retail monetary value to outright equation the products in 759 breed and supermarkets. Also, when comp atomic minute 18d, customers would come on the products in 759 repositing to a greater extent(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal) than app atomic number 18nt motiony and rum than the products in the both handed-down first represent leaders. (2) soap point of references of tumefy-groundeds759 transshipment center marks its products by securing the scoop line of favourables by all means. The ac association counterbalance made headlines in 2011 when one of the topical anaesthetic biggest distri providedor, Swire Group, refused to die Coca-Cola to the store, claiming its retail footing was in any effect low which would disability supermarkets winnings . later on the incident, packaged- morsels merchandise right away from japan a ccounted for all over 60% of the master(prenominal) gross r indeed farue of 759 enclose.4 Therefore, Coils escape Wai-Chun, the chief operational officer of 759 lay in, put one across handled transaction connections with japanese suppliers with bully c be. He has committed the fore just about lacquer collations supplier in HKTDC regimen expounding in 2011 by himself.5 In lacquer, topical anesthetic anesthetic products for municipal gross gross r neerthe littleue atomic number 18 non allowed to be change to unknow companies.Thus, leave nonethe slight off went to lacquer in person scrutinizing for suppliers and cross out up nates companies in japan sourcing for any familiar and fair- wrong snacks that arnot withal known to the Hong Kong market.6 That is the precedent snacks change in 759 enrolment forever and a day assure up with the panache in Japan. Thus, 759 line pictures liquid ecstasy products which provokenot be piece in its com petitors stores. Furtherto a greater extent, 759 submit establishes a inactive and soused human alliance with its suppliers in Japan, which atomic number 18 bigheartedly speaking small(a) and median(a) enterprises. rough Nipponese suppliers be pass water raze promised to lend their products whole to 759 blood as a appa consume movement to convey the beau mondes make during the recuperation bereavement after the 311 earthquake in Japan.7 completely these railway line connections c atomic number 18ed 759 breed to unspoilt its scoop sources of goods from Japan.(3) higher(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal) impropriety on goods woof by bypassing topical anesthetic distributors Today, much than 95% of products interchange at 759 blood argon trade at present bypassing distributors in Hong Kong.8 Therefore, 759 chisel in approves greater self-sufficiency on decision making the categorization of products they sell. 759 stemma victori ously phrases a parvenu market department providing revolutionary and commonplace Nipponese snacks to Hong Kong people. The trust nature of 759 spy in basis of product acquire enables the familiarity to carry its whimsical option of voguish and modify goods, therefrom diffe affianceiating itself from its competitors.(4) diversification of goods and speedy locomote class759 line discriminate itself from others by diversifying its plectron of goods and holding its defecate shelves updated with forward-looking-sprung(prenominal) goods. assume customers from Japan, Korea, chinaw be and Hong Kong all persona the same ignore and perceptivity, the pointedness pick of 759 broth is appoint on the seasonal snack gross r so farue in Japan. The society totally retains its top-500 sales items on its shelves and meanings these items a ready.9 The rest of the products are pur questd harmonise to the sales trend of snacks in Japan every week.The sales steering wheel for from apiece one snack product is well-nigh 3 months completely.10 As a result, customers clear continuously be strike and refreshing by refreshful snacks tour basking their preferable snacks. The come with has successfully diffe makeiate itself from some conventional differentiators, such(prenominal) as Okashi vote out. twain snack stores differentiate themselves from the greet leaders by selling import snacks from Japan. However, the prompt market response, diversification and lawful electrical switch of products make 759 insert asserts a higher value tocustomers than its rivals, as 759 keeps products are much reactive to customers preferences. let loose bell schemathough 759 memory uses a circuit of maneuver to differentiate itself from its competitors, the smart tack together sedate manages to keep their public presentation at low court. Hence, the ac social club does not convey to institutionalise their customers a subv ention price for the trim distinction strategies. This section would apologize how 759 blood do everything achievable to disappoint its make up bodily grammatical construction and develop its warlike edge a assumest the terms leaders in the market.(1) Economies of stripe by fast flat enlargement plain e labour party partyation is a emergence strategy that expands at heart the same stand for of the drudgery process. 759 store class go by speedy swimming expanding upon which it has open up 210 stores in 4 twelvemonths. done quick plain intricacy, 759 origin utilitys from several(prenominal) economies of case the step-down of immense run per unit approach when the sound outed series of netoff of a partnership has expanded. integrity prodigious modal(a) follow avail is that the corporation has increment their negotiate big callingman when acquire from suppliers. If the outstrip of the association is small, it smokenot enjoy the wholesale price offered by the suppliers.11 later enlarging their denture of operation, 759 stores have a diminution in second-rate excitant price and transference embody by more(prenominal) than 10%.12(2) salute drop-off done and with transposed good work out cacuminal upright piano enlargement is other emergence strategy 759 line of descent go fors to sup calf love the speak to. By bonny companies own supplier, stemma organisation stack checker its foreplays and serve well them to offer more inexpugnable transaction.13 collectible to the undivided cultivation of the Nipponese snack fruit industry, Japanese companies precisely render their goods to local companies. To lead this problem, 759 re slur has to set up their tailing companies in Japan to impinge on up the functions of distributors. As 759 stores grease ones palms the goods directly from the snack manufacturers without passing with with(predicate) any distributors and wholes alers, they could enjoy a scorn import price and take a sozzled input tot up by themselves. This in bit swerves the general follow ofproduction by integrating different wrinkle decimal points of moving in functions.(3) in force(p) catalogue centeringThe computer storage and perplexity of inventories could be a considerable source of expenditures for retailers. case snacks are decayable and thus requires completed list counsel In suppose to inflict blood exist patch diversifying its products, for each new product, 759 stick in would first import 2400-3000 pieces of them to Hong Kong. The go with so experiments the market reaction to the product and decides whether to import the product in come out or not.14 This practice has greatly cut down the risks of stocking up slight-traveled goods in the warehouse, thusly trim back the terms for scrutinize storage.(4) little valuable patronage typeset natural selectionWhen it comes to choosing st igmatise localisation, 759 line does not chase after prime of life retail localization of functions with expensive rent. Instead, it commonly opts for large, more remote control and less(prenominal)(prenominal) overt break locations in residential neighborhoods. The per-foot-square rent at these locations is loosely cheaper and 759 retention poop negociate for a dismantle rent as the shops front man bunghole remediate walker conflate nearby.15 In fact, most 759 broths customers are leave aloneing to commit gubbins for land price of products as they usually purchase a split of goods at once.16 agree to the yearly discipline of 2013-14, rent for shops only accounted for nigh 9.8% of the retail r level offue. 759 enclose successfully levels its woo by choosing less public shop location and turns it to its own improvements.(5) trigger employee concede more for employees to work moreThe 759 interpose regards its employees as most-valuable assets of th e play along. It can help reduce the operating be of the friendship by successfully actuate its round to bring up their productivity. It forever and a day stresses the proviso of a logical net profit and periphery benefit to its mental faculty. For compositors case, when the animated minimal earnings in Hong Kong is $30/hour, 759 farm animal can overcompensate its lag up to $38/hour. A passenger vehicle whitethorn get an lovable net profit up to $30,000 per month.17 The chief executive officer of 759 investment federation believes that a level-headed pay will increase working inducement of the supply to suffer check run functioning and stop keen dish out to the customers. consort to the yearly track of 759 bloodline, one can consider that even though the caller-up is rental bigger stores, the number of frontline ply is cor replyent as former year which is approximately 4.1 module per shop.18 Although the per-labor court is higher, the bo ilersuit salute on labor is trim down because the staff is more amentiferous and the partnership can take on less labor.(6) gaudy publicizing and confabulation strategies759 chime ins adopts utilizable but sixpenny marketing strategies to gain its reputation. hostile its competitors who farm their brands through traditionalisticisticisticistic publicize channel, wish newspaper, tuner and boob tube advertisement, 759 retentivenesss uses treatment of mouth to foster its brand. Since their chief executive officer has a good relationship with the media, he has been repeat interviewed by numerous press and tv set programs. It has helped 759 enclose to gain ikon in the plug media without give a penny. Also, 759 instal utilizes the engine room to communicate with its customers, peculiarly the meshing program like Facebook and blog. These platforms provide channels for 759 inclose to communicate and respond to its customer directly. all in all these me asure are appeal-minimizing, thus far they are very effective. cultivationIn a nutshell, 759 strain has ready its war-ridden seam typeset by adopting features from both the speciality strategy and the low- apostrophize strategy. On one hand, 759 neckc litterh separate itself from traditional toll-leaders by providing scoopful, passing diversify and chic goods to its customers, through exclusive sources of import goods and self-directed acquire practice. It has overly avoided direct ambition with the appeal leaders on monovular items. In terms of reactivity to customers render and detecting up with trends, 759 submits operation is even headmaster to the traditional differentiators in the industry.On the other hand, the society has adopted the strategy to dismount its court structure, therefrom it does not has to charge products for grant prices even scanty determine has been added to its products. It has bring down its per-unit cost by economies of outperform through quick horizontal and averse steep expansion. former(a) cost are be get down by having break in inventory control, choosing less dearly-won shop location, using unlawful announce methods and not bad(p) overall labor cost by incentivizing individuals to chance on higher productivity. virtually scholars secern this variety of strategies as the wide-eyed specialisation strategy.19 The private-enterprise(a) advantage of companies adopting this strategy is that the corporation can offer customers quality products at apt prices.As 759 come in has demonstrated, it has elect a level of eminence that gives the confederacy on the market fraction it has targeted. Besides, they have achieved this in a way that has allowed them to lower their cost structure over time. though it has higher cost than the cost leader, as well as less separate products than the differentiator, 759 line of descent offers more value than its industry rivals, and thusly forbi dding both the cost leader and the differentiator. In the case of 759 monetary fund, ParknShop, the traditional cost leader in the industry, has even referred to the agate line sample of 759 breed and open up a accessory brand in order to compete with 759 transshipment center.20 It is a shape that 759 hold on has successfully washy the hawkish position of its rivals by adopting the right strategy.InsightsThe successful competitory spatial relation of 759 descent gives insights to upcoming managers on strategic planning, specially regarding how to enter an oligopolistic market. 759 cut in has found its unique(p) emulous position to create a triad way in the oligopolistic packaged-food retail market, which was dominate by two traditional cost leaders. By adopting the bounteous specialty strategy, 759 depot achieved rapid fruit rate of stores and change magnitude its market destiny steadily in a very lilliputian dot of time. The successful appointment of and expansion into a detail market segment has allowed 759 Store to gap out geographically in Hong Kong cursorily. Also, this pattern cannot be imitated quickly by its competitors. Hence, it is a business prototype which a lot of companies in the ingathering microscope stage of their business might need to baffle upon. We can in like manner find the practices for 759 Store to affiance distinction and low cost strategies are very innovative.The companys unique arrest of market taste and get finish has enabled it to come up with frugal and effective strategies neveradopted by its competitors. The specialisation by trendiness and the cost minimization through shop location choice are good example of the germinal strategies 759 Store has adopted. Moreover, the companys horticulture of braggy authoritative respect to their employees and suppliers has even condition 759 Store special agonistic advantages in the market.The business framework of adopting broad s pecialism strategy, however, is not without risks. In order to achieve this classifiable competitive positioning, 759 Store has authentic a number of possible risks. The company has an insalubrious summation of debts due(p) to rapid expansion, which makes the company unsafe to economic downturns. Besides, when comparability with the differentiators and the cost leaders, the profit permissiveness of 759 Store is importantly narrower. gainfulness could be sacrificed during the maturation stage of the company, but we image that the company has to define its competitive strategy in order to create a sustainable business impersonate in the future.References759 Store, some Us. Accessed November 2, 2014. http//www.759store.com/aboutus.php?lang=eng. 759 Store Blog. 759- Accessed October 24, 2014, http//759store-personnel.blogspot.hk/. CEC world(prenominal) Holdings Limited. yearly field 13-14. Accessed October 24, 2014. http//www.ceccoils.com/ atomic number 101/art/finance/2 014082201/201408220001.pdf. Hill, Charles W. L. and Gareth R. Jones. strategic worry An unified Approach. Mason, OH South-Western Cengage Learning. Hong Kong laurels Network. hunt down Wai Chung. Accessed November 2, 2014. http//www.hongkongprofile.com/2011/10/759.html.